Created with Matteo Farinella and Massive Science, this crowdfunded 78 card Science Tarot Deck is a game of cards that helps us tell stories about our future based on principles of science. You can buy the deck from MIT Press and Penguin Random House today!
The Women of Science Tarot Deck channels the powerful, pioneering women of STEM alongside fundamental concepts in science, math, engineering and technology to help you tell stories about the future. The deck is a fun way to learn about our past and think about ways of tackling the big problems that await us as a species.
The Tarot deck has been used since the 15th century as a framework for communal storytelling, soothsaying and prediction. We’ve updated our tarot to reflect our scientific, 21st century curiosity for shaping the world. The most transformative ways of thinking are not magic: they are real, rooted in STEM and they can help us collectively think about the future.